Letter from the Principle
Dear Egerton Primary School Learning Community,
Thank you for another wonderful and productive school year. I can’t thank everyone enough for your endless hours of volunteering, chaperoning, reading, organizing, donating and doing whatever was necessary to support students—both at home and at school. Special thanks to our SGB who, as usual, went above and beyond the call of duty to provide whatever was necessary to add to our students’ already rich school experience.
That experience could not occur without the endless energy, skills and devotion of the Egerton staff. Thanks and well done to an incredible group of professionals.
A final word to Egerton learners: Thank you for all your hard work throughout the school year. I am so honoured to be your principal; you make me proud to be an Egerton Eagle. You keep me laughing and young at heart. I am grateful for your joy, astute insights and amazing talents. Best wishes to our Grade sevens, whom I will miss greatly—please come back and visit. Everyone have a safe and blessed summer break.
Until next school year, here’s wishing you love, laughter and learning.
Kind regards,
Mr. H.L. Slabbert
Letter from the Chairman
Mr. JJ Oosthuizen
It is with great excitement to be able to write a chairman’s report for the first time in three years.
During the course of the past few years our country and school has experienced unprecedented challenges, which have tested our schools resolve and capabilities. We have risen above all these challenges and came out stronger together.
Our school Egerton has celebrated its 101 years in existence as a school of EXCELLANCE. What an achievement this is on itself. We had to say good bye to a few of our dedicated staff and wishe them well on their new journeys in life. We also welcomed some new staff to our school family with their energetic ways of fitting in well with our school and learners.
To hear the sound of children cheering on the sports field and dropping of pawn pieces is a welcoming sound. This year we have started of with a bang with the return of our annual athletics, swimming, rugby, choir and drama, plays with many more activities that have laid dormant these past 3 years due to Covid 19 regulations.
We have successfully introduced our Eagle mascot together with our new annual Eagle Drop fundraiser. Our mascot has made such a huge difference in the school spirit of our leaners and staff.
The new HP centre project is well on its way and I believe that its just the beginning of many more projects that will support our learners and ensure their growth on and off the sport field. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our headmaster Mr Slabbert for his leadership, together with our teaching staff, SMT, parents, school staff and SGB in ensuring that our school Egerton Primary is running like a well-oiled machine (The Green Machine)
Remember together and by the Grace of God, we can achieve anything. God Bless our school Egerton
JJ Oosthuizen
SGB Chairman
Egerton Vison and Mission